WOW!! My mind is blown.
Saturday morning I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. All I knew is I was going to a workshop where I would be surrounded by so much talent. Many things were going through my mind. What am I going to wear? Who am I going to meet? What am I going to learn? It was very intimidating at first. Everywhere you look there was a photographer. You sit down and wonder who is this person beside me, what is their work like? After you get your bearings you become more comfortable. There is so much to talk about with the people seated at your table because you are all interested in the same thing.
I didn’t know I was going to learn so much. My mind was going a mile a minute, and hasn’t stopped. I can’t wait to get these ideas onto paper and start utilizing them.
I have a huge respect for all the photographers that shared so much with us. Every speaker was different but they all gave us their story of how they started and how they work today.
The Wedding Photographers 2013 Summit in Calgary was outstanding. I want to say a HUGE thank you to Perry Thompson, Snap Weddings – who I had a 30 minute one on one with, Gene Higa, Lynn Fletcher, Ciara Glendon, Edward Ross, Erika and Lanny Mann, The Camera Store and the Delta Bow Valley. I can’t say enough how great everyone was.
Thank you Thank you